Smartphones were a thing before Apple came along with the iPhone, but the sleek and easy-to-use device that Steve Jobs unveiled back in January 2007 popularised the device. The Apple Vision Pro is unlikely to see similar success.

Though some parallels can be drawn, there is a huge difference between the two devices. The thing that immediately stands out is the price. While iPhones aren’t exactly cheap, they’re a lot more accessible than a $3,500 headset. The iPhone was also an upgraded version of a regular cellphone, something most people were using every day anyway.

The Vision Pro is not that. It’s essentially an entirely new concept for many people, so it may have a much harder time selling people on the idea. Similarly, it isn’t a device people are likely to have on them at all times like a smartphone is. It will probably be used at home, or in an office, and not many places beyond that. However, despite its locational limitations, if the Vision Pro takes off it may make a bigger difference to daily life than the iPhone.

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