Apple is teasing its AI plans again.

According to the Cupertino-based tech giant’s CEO Tim Cook, Apple plans to unveil its generative AI products and services “later this year.”

The development was shared during the company’s earnings call on February 1st, alongside other developments, like the Vision Pro VR/AR headset.

“In terms of generative AI, which I would guess is your focus, we have a lot of work going on internally, as I’ve alluded to before,” said Cook. “Our M.O., if you will, has always been to do work and then talk about work and not to get out in front of ourselves. And so we’re going to hold that to this as well. But we’ve got some things that we’re incredibly excited about, that we’ll be talking about later this year.”

Cook was also asked an important question regarding on-device AI tasks. Again, Cook did not elaborate much on this topic, but he expressed his confidence. “Let me just say that I think there’s a huge opportunity for apple with Gen AI and and AI — without getting into more details and getting out in front of myself,” he said.

Cook didn’t dive into details or when we can expect to hear more about the development, though WWDC is likely a good candidate for AI-related announcements. This also corroborates recent rumours suggesting that Apple might unveil its Siri-generative AI plans at WWDC.

Via: TechCrunch

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