Telegram, our current favorite messaging app, posted up an overview of the new features it added over the course of January. Since we here did not write up any of those things, now seems like a good time to recap you on what you might’ve missed.

The biggest change is for Saved Messages, a chat that every Telegram user has, even if they don’t use it. As Telegram labels it, users now have Saved Messages 2.0, with the chat morphing into a storage system for links, media, and bookmarks. Users can view saved messages by chat or as a list, organize them with tags, and also use the new ‘Saved’ tab in Shared Media to access messages saved from any particular chat. I use Telegram every day and have never touched this, but I will start now.

Upgraded Search: Telegram details that it has enhanced its search function inside of all chats, with it now easier to navigate results and view them as a compact list.

Telegram also opened up the View-Once setting to voice and video messages. Similar to Snapchat, messages marked as such can only be played once and then are automatically deleted. To record a view-once message, hold down the mic button and then swipe up to lock recording, then tap the view-once icon before sending. As a pro tip, you can now also pause and resume recording both your voice and video messages.

There’s a healthy amount of other new features, in addition to things exclusive to Premium users. Follow the link below to see the full list of what Telegram added in January.

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// Telegram

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