Con­trarian think­ing, investors know, can lead to the Holy Grail of out­per­form­ance. It’s just so hard to com­mit to, psy­cho­lo­gic­ally. However after the FT Week­end, I can now enter the FT stock pick 2024 com­pet­i­tion with renewed con­fid­ence.

I coun­ted three art­icles about the Mag­ni­fi­cent Seven — so that’s the shorts sor­ted (The Long View, Janu­ary 27). And no less than four art­icles on the dire straits of the UK asset man­age­ment industry. Longs sor­ted.

Throw in a com­mod­ity com­pany because there was no men­tion of com­mod­it­ies any­where (even bonds were men­tioned) and my picks are com­plete. Send me the plaudits now, spare the oth­ers’ blushes.

Gra­ham Turner
Ipswich, Suf­folk, UK

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