Tej Parikh rightly argues that the “UK needs to get bet­ter at meas­ur­ing growth” (Opin­ion, Janu­ary 26) in order to sup­port “help­ing to improve the qual­ity of the debate around growth”. But the start­ing point for improv­ing any debate needs to recog­nise that, his­tor­ic­ally, growth meas­ures, such as gross domestic product, are quant­ity, not qual­ity, meas­ures. What is really needed is a greater focus on “social pro­gress indices” — ie qual­ity meas­ures.

Bruce Lloyd
Emer­itus Pro­fessor of Stra­tegic Man­age­ment, Lon­don South Bank Uni­versity, Lon­don SE1, UK

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