Apple has focused plenty of its budget on making sure the Apple Vision Pro is as comfortable to wear as possible. However, with the device weighing anywhere between 600 and 650 grams (21.2–22.9 ounces), early reviewers like Digital Trends confirm that it is not the most comfortable experience wearing the device for long hours. In fact, the Vision Pro is heavier than most of the other VR headsets currently on sale, save for the Meta Quest Pro.

Apple, seemingly aware of this issue, has tried to address the problem by including a Dual Loop Band as part of the package. This band, while not as cool-looking as the more famous Solo Knit Band, lets you wear the Vision Pro around the top of your head, thereby making its weight less obvious. However, you will need to contend with the fact that this band will almost certainly end up ruining your hairstyle, according to The Verge. Even with the Dual Loop Band, the sheer weight of the Vision Pro eventually makes its presence felt.

Another issue that many reviews have highlighted concerns the heat that the Vision Pro generates. Reviewers describe uncomfortable warmth building up inside the headset, potentially leading to sweaty discomfort and even dizziness. This could significantly limit playtime, especially in warmer environments.

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