In recent years, workplaces worldwide have recognised the need to prioritise diversity, equity, and inclusion. One foundational concept that has emerged in this movement is “intersectionality.” Coined by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in the late 1980s, intersectionality has become pivotal in understanding the complex nature of identity.

This blog explores what intersectionality is, why it’s important and how it influences the workplace.

What is intersectionality?

Intersectionality refers to the interconnected nature of social categorisations such as race, gender, sexual orientation, and other aspects of identity. The concept recognises that these aspects do not exist independently but overlap. These combinations create unique oppressions and advantages for individuals.

At its core, intersectionality challenges the idea of understanding a person through a single lens of identity. Instead, it acknowledges that people hold multiple social identities simultaneously, which intersect to shape their experiences, perspectives and access to opportunities.

Why is intersectionality important?

Intersectionality dismantles the oversimplified view of social identities and fosters a deeper understanding of people’s diverse challenges. Failure to acknowledge intersectionality can lead to policies and practices perpetuating discrimination and inequality.

How does intersectionality impact the workplace?

Employees have many overlapping identities. Some may face compounded discrimination due to the convergence of various social categories. For instance, a woman of colour may experience challenges that are distinct from those faced by a white woman or a man of colour.

Intersectionality highlights the need for inclusive policies and practices that consider each employee’s unique experiences. It emphasises that diversity and inclusion should go beyond superficial representation.

How to embed intersectional policies in the workplace

Creating a workplace that respects intersectionality requires intentional effort and a commitment to inclusivity. Here are some key strategies to embed intersectional practices in the workplace:

  1. Diversity in leadership: Actively promote diversity in leadership roles to ensure a variety of perspectives in decision-making. Establish mentorship programmes that specifically address the needs of individuals with intersecting identities.
  2. Inclusive policies: Develop and implement policies that address individuals’ unique challenges. Regularly review and update policies to ensure they remain responsive to the evolving needs of a diverse workforce.
  3. Equitable recruitment and promotion: Implement blind recruitment processes to mitigate unconscious biases. Provide equal opportunities for professional development and promotion that consider the intersecting identities of employees.
  4. Flexible work arrangements: Recognise and accommodate the diverse needs of employees, such as those related to caregiving responsibilities or health concerns. Offer flexibility in work arrangements to create an inclusive environment.

Training programmes that can help promote intersectionality

Education is pivotal in fostering a workplace culture that embraces intersectionality. Here are some training programmes that promote this concept:

Equality, diversity and inclusion training

Equality, diversity and inclusion training raises awareness of diverse identities and the benefits of workplace diversity and inclusion. This understanding promotes equal opportunities, challenges biases and fosters inclusivity in any work setting.

Unconscious bias training

Unconscious bias training raises awareness of hidden biases, fostering more inclusive workplaces and fair decision-making by addressing and mitigating these biases.

Cultural competency training

Cultural competency training focuses on developing the skills and knowledge needed to interact effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Participants learn to appreciate and respect cultural differences, enhancing communication, collaboration and inclusivity in work environments.

Safeguarding courses

Safeguarding courses educate individuals about protecting vulnerable populations, specifically children and adults at risk of abuse, neglect and harm. These courses equip individuals with the tools to prevent and appropriately respond to potential harm or abuse.


Intersectionality is a transformative framework that has the power to reshape workplaces into more inclusive and equitable environments. The journey toward an intersectional workplace requires intentional efforts, from inclusive policies to targeted training programmes and a commitment to ongoing reflection and improvement. By acknowledging the interconnected nature of social identities, we can dismantle barriers and pave the way for a workplace where everyone feels seen, heard and valued.

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