The FT Big Read by Jamie Smyth and Sarah White entitled “Break­ing Rus­sia’s grip on nuc­lear fuel” (Janu­ary 23) addressed something cru­cial for the resi­li­ence and indeed sur­vival of the UK.

There is no doubt that the decisions that led to the UK fall­ing from being the world leader in civil nuc­lear power to being an also-ran were ill-thought through and those culp­able should feel ashamed.

The only way of meet­ing the inev­it­able national expo­nen­tial growth in demand for the base load of elec­trical power that is “green”, and not inter­mit­tent or weather-depend­ent, is to develop nuc­lear.

The gov­ern­ment needs to use every means at its dis­posal to bring into ser­vice Hinkley Point C, Sizewell C, the large-scale react­ors at Wylfa in north Wales, and its small mod­u­lar reactor pro­gramme. Sim­il­arly, it should sup­port and encour­age UK uranium enrich­ment com­pan­ies to become part of the push to deny Rus­sia a mar­ket for its products.

Admiral Lord West of Spit­head
House of Lords, Lon­don SW1, UK

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