The FT needs to be much clearer when it reports on the farm­ers’ protests cur­rently sweep­ing Europe. The protests are farmer-led, even though politi­cians of the right try to co-opt them. The French Com­mun­ist leader Fabien Rous­sel is the only politi­cian on the left who artic­u­lates the griev­ances of thou­sands of small farm­ers whose monthly income is under €1,000 and who work very long hours, per­haps 80 hours a week, something unthink­able for city dwell­ers.

Head­lines like “EU tries to pla­cate farm­ers as far right fans flames” (Report, Janu­ary 26) are mis­lead­ing, at least in France. Farm­ers are decent people who do not give a mon­key’s about the extreme right. They just want to make a liv­ing. The con­di­tions they work under simply do not res­on­ate with a tin-eared nar­rowly Parisian elite whose know­ledge of the coun­tryside is lim­ited to week­ends in coun­try houses and boast­ing to for­eign­ers that France has the best “cuisine” in the world!

The respec­ted eco­nom­ist Phil­ippe Dessertine is just one com­ment­ator who has explained the farm­ers’ fury, point­ing out the overzeal­ous imple­ment­a­tion by the French bur­eau­cracy of rules enacted in Brus­sels. Your report­ers should get out of Paris and Brus­sels and speak to ordin­ary farm­ers.

Fran­cis Ghilès
Vis­it­ing Fel­low, King’s Col­lege Lon­don, Paris, France

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