Following the success of 1995’s Goldeneye, Brosnan landed himself another starring role in the volcano thriller “Dante’s Peak.” According to Brosnan, on the first day of filming, there was a knock on his trailer door, and the Chief of Police politely asked the actor to exit. The chief clocked Brosnan driving 120 mph in the BMW 850 Ci, but the actor claimed he wasn’t aware he was driving so fast.

It likely wasn’t difficult for the actor to let his speed get away from him in Idaho, where they filmed “Dante’s Peak,” since the roads are more open compared to Los Angeles traffic. According to his interview with Conan O’Brien, Brosnan didn’t realize he was driving over the speed limit because of how smoothly the car handled. However, it’s difficult to believe he didn’t know he was driving over the speed limit because BMW designed the 850 Ci to automatically raise its windows once the speedometer reached 100 mph. Much to Brosnan’s luck, the chief was starstruck and let the actor off with a warning.

The chief and other officers present did ask some questions, which the actor was more than happy to answer in exchange for a simple warning. They wanted to know how Brosnan and the crew managed to pull off the bungee jump scene at the beginning of “Goldeneye.” According to the film’s director, they shot the scene in one take because it seemed like the stunt double, Wayne Michaels, didn’t want to do it a second time.

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