Utilita Energy has announced the rollout of a new “ground-breaking energy intelligence feature,” called My Energy.

The new feature gives households a detailed breakdown of exactly what each electrical appliance costs to run.

Households will have an opportunity to cut electricity wastage by seven percent a year, which is equivalent to 26 days of free electricity usage.

With the extra information, households can save “around £55 a year” – at a crucial time when energy bills remain high.

The energy price cap is currently £1,928 per year for billpayers and is forecast to fall by £288 to £1,620 in April.

Households acting upon the energy data insights and advice can instantly cut their annual electricity consumption by seven percent or approximately £55 based on the expected January 1 price cap, according to data from Voltaware, Utilita’s energy insights partner.

Even though the price cap is set to drop by 16 percent in April, households are still facing high energy bills which is why many people are looking for ways to cut costs.

Utilita’s ‘My Energy’ gives households the most detailed breakdown of their energy consumption insights available from any energy supplier – for free.

Existing and new Utilita customers can access the insights for free with immediate effect.

George Waters, Utilita’s Chief Homes Services Officer, commented on the rapid rollout of the technology: “Prompted by the recent wholesale price crisis, households taking part in Utilita’s My Energy beta trials demonstrated an insatiable appetite for understanding where their energy spend was going, and where they could make savings.

“We will soon be integrating it into our award-winning My Utilita app which will enable Utilita households to opt-in to real-time push notifications via a phone or smartwatch to remind them when items have been left on standby, or if a dishwasher is using a lot of power, to try a more efficient mode such as ‘eco’, for example.

“These smart notifications will inform people’s energy behaviours based on their movements, for example, if they leave the house, they will be notified that they have left lights or heat on, too.”

Households using the My Energy feature save 50kg of CO2 each year – the same amount of carbon generated by driving 188 miles in a standard car.

Joe Kaesar, the chairman of Siemans Energy, has claimed energy bills will need to rise to facilitate the move to a green economy.

Speaking to The Telegraph, the boss of the UK’s biggest wind farm manufacturer warned the British public will have to come to terms with the long-term cost of net zero.

He explained: “Every transformation comes at a cost and every transformation is painful. And that’s something which the energy industry and the public sector – governments – don’t really want to hear.I believe that for a while (customers) need to accept higher pricing.

“And then there might be innovation – about the weight of the blades, other efficiency methods, technology – so the cost can then go down again. But the point is, if there is no profit pool in an industry, why should that industry innovate?”

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