Europe has been warned to be “ready for war without the US” support and to prepare for conflict with Russia and the continent needs to enhance their security.

Donald Trump is almost certainly thus far looking likely to enter the White House later this year and he is well known for his animosity towards NATO and he has previously described the alliance as “obsolete.”

Politico reported that Trump has repeatedly threatened to pull the US out of the alliance, he has previously said, “I don’t give a sh*t about NATO.”

Trump told the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, “You need to understand that if Europe is under attack, we will never come to help you and to support you.”

The former US President added, “By the way, NATO is dead, and we will leave, we will quit NATO.”

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Trump has described Vladimir Putin as “smart” and “savvy” and has claimed the Russian President is “a genius,” and that he will cut off all US military assistance and funding to Ukraine if he is re-elected and will do a deal between Kyiv and Moscow, Politico has reported.

In light of this Manfred Weber, the leader of the European People’s Party has issued a warning that Europe must prepare for the US to no longer support the continent and NATO against threats from Russia.

Weber strongly urged Europe to build on their defences, he added, “We were in a historic moment, and we had to understand and seize it.

“We [have[ to be able to defend ourselves independently.”

He has called for there to be a modern defence union to defend against hybrid attacks from countries such as China and Russia, Weber added that the EU “needs a cyber defence brigade.”

Weber hit out at the EU’s slow “bureaucratic” response and said they must shift to a “war economy” and ramp up support for Ukraine.

He told Politico, “We were suffocating in our own bureaucratic rules” as Europe is facing a war with the likes of Vladimir Putin on our own.

Weber is calling for a “European pillar of defence” that can detect drones and missiles deployed by Moscow.

Weber warned that Europe has less than 500,000 rounds of ammunition, he added, “The basics are the one million rounds of ammunition that we haven’t delivered as Europeans.”

Norway’s defence chief has also warned that they must prepare for war to invest more into our defence and we have “perhaps three” years as conflict with Russia is increasing.

The chief of Norway’s armed forces, General Eirik Kristoffersen has said the government needs to “invest more” money into their defences.

General Kristoffersen gave an interview with the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet where is gave his concerns of war with Russia due to Vladimir Putin’s predictably unpredictable behaviour.

He warned that Russia has built up their weapons stockpiles which far surpassing NATO and their allies expectations.

He insisted that there has to be a sense of urgency and emphasised the need for a more robust national defence as they are currently falling short on their 2% of GDP spending on defence.

“The current window of opportunity will remain open for a year or two, perhaps three, which is when we will have to invest even more in our defence,” Gen Kristoffersen warned.

A Dutch army chief has also ordered his army to prepare for war as “Russia is getting stronger” and has warned his counterparts they need to get ready.

Lieutenant General Martin Wijnen told the EU that they need to prepare the Netherlands for war against Vladimir Putin and his forces.

He then warned that the Netherlands should be “afraid of war” and must prepare as Russian forces are just 1,500 kilometers away.

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