The Defence Secretary Grant Shapps is trying to resolve the military’s recruitment as troops are “leaving three times as fast as we are recruiting.”

There are large numbers who are quitting the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and the British Army over pay and conditions.

Conservative MP Richard Drax has proposed that the government should “raise the tax revenue by lowering taxes” which would allow for money to be spent on defence that would also help to grow the economy.

Drax said that he would like to see “no more arbitrary targets” on the defence budget, but instead he would like to see the military to “play a prominent role in NATO and to defend our country and dependants.”

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The Conservative MP said, “Unfortunately the peace dividend has continued to take its toll, and the Royal Navy is critically short of ships and sailors, to the point we are endangering the security of our country.”

Conservative former minister Mark Francois has raised his concerns over the recruitment crisis which has hit the Armed Forces as global peace has been threatened and global risks are rising.

Francois said: “I completely support the Government’s action, which is taken in accordance with international law and defending freedom of navigation on the high seas, but we can only do it with people, otherwise there is no-one to maintain the typhoons or to crew the warships.

“We now have people leaving three times as fast as we are recruiting, as the Secretary of State is aware.

“Can he give a commitment now he will come to the House before Easter to make a statement about what we are doing about retention of critical armed forces personnel? He knows why this is important.”

The Defence Secretary said, “He will be pleased to know that I have recently been holding meetings with individuals who he believes himself will help to resolve this issue.

“I am working very hard to make sure that in common with actually many Western militaries, armed forces, that we do have the men and women we need for our armed forces, skilled up to the right levels and capable of taking on this challenge.”

Francois comments came after General Sir Patrick Sanders warned that if we go to war with Russia we will find people to fight and he hinted of some form of national service.

General Sir Patrick warned that the British Army has been cut back too much over the years and over the past 12 years it has shrunk by 28%.

He said that people who live in the UK are now part of a “pre-war generation” and said civilians must be trained should they need to fight in a war.

However, Downing Street said on Wednesday afternoon that they will not introduce a conscription model, and joining the Armed Forces will remain “voluntary,” however the British armed forces has hardly any troops.

Tory MP Tobias Ellwood who served with General Sir Patrick told Sky News there is a “1939 feel to the world” and he warned that UK is not ready to deal with what is soon to come “over the horizon.”

Ellwood made his comments after General Sir Patrick is set to give a speech warning that young men and women will be called up to join the armed forces and will be mobilised fight on the frontlines as the British Army is far too small.

Ellwood said General Sir Patrick is “one of the most cerebral thinkers that we’ve got” and a great “strategist.”

Ellwood said that the government needs “to listen and listen carefully, we’ve been too complacent.

“What’s coming over the horizon should shock us. It should worry us and we are not prepared.”

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