In most cases, exiting Android’s Safe Mode is incredibly simple: Simply restart the phone, either by powering it off and powering it back on, or by doing a normal restart while in Safe Mode. However, as “in most cases” implies, that’s not universal. “To exit Safe Mode, you can usually restart your phone normally,” reads Google’s support page about Android’s Safe Mode (emphasis ours). “Turning off or exiting Safe Mode varies by phone.”

If you’re someone who’s never had a reason to access your Android phone’s power menu, the usual way to get to it is:

  1. Hold down the power button until the menu appears. If that doesn’t work, holding power and volume up should make the menu appear.
  2. Tap “Restart” or “Power Off” to restart or power off.

Alternatively, on some Samsung phones, there’s a persistent notification about Safe Mode while it’s active, and you can use this to exit Safe Mode. To do this:

  1. Pull down from the top of the screen to access the notification panel.
  2. Tap the notification that says “Safe mode is on” and then “Tap here to turn off Safe mode.”

That’s it! At that point, if you meant to boot into Safe Mode in the first place, then you can slowly try to figure out which app was causing your problem. And if you booted into Safe Mode by mistake? Enjoy going back to using your phone as normal.

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