With Password Safe all you have to do is create and remember a single “Master Password” of your choice in order to unlock and access your entire user name/password list.

Security starts with you, the user. Keeping written lists of passwords on scraps of paper, or in a text document on your desktop is unsafe and is easily viewed by prying eyes (both cyber-based and human). Using the same password over and over again across a wide spectrum of systems and web sites creates the nightmare scenario where once someone has figured out one password, they have figured out all your passwords and now have access to every part of your life (system, e-mail, retail, financial, work).

Password Safe allows users to store all passwords in a single “safe” (password database), or to create multiple databases for different purposes (e.g., one for work, one for personal use). Each database is independent can be moved and used on different systems, as long as the same version of Password Safe is installed. Databases are encrypted with an encryption key derived from the master password (the master password, however, is not kept in the database in any form).

If you are using Password Safe for the first time, press the New Database button. You will be asked to choose the name and location of your password database (the default, “pwsafe.psafe3”, is fine). Afterwards, you will be prompted to enter a master password that is used to encrypt and lock the contents of your new safe.

What’s New

  • GH893 Removed “Open Another” from system tray menu when a child window (e.g., Add/Edit Entry) is open.
  • SF1566 Persist Edit Entry and Rename custom shortcuts.

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