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This article is part of the Financial Times free schools access programme. Details/registration here.

School students are invited to share ideas on UK political reforms, in a competition run by the Political Studies Association and the Financial Times with the Association for Citizenship Teaching.

Applicants, who can be students of any subject aged 16-19 in schools or colleges around the world, have until 19 May 2024 to write 500-600 words on the theme: “What are politicians able to deliver for the next generation of voters?”

The best ideas will be published in the Financial Times and the PSA’s blog and Political Insight magazine. Full details and how to enter are available here.

They will be judged by a panel of experts from academia and politics, who will look for creative thinking, good arguments, concepts and expression as much as writing skills.

All entrants will be invited to an awards event in June at the University of Liverpool where the winner and two runners-up will be announced.

The competition is part of the FT’s schools programme, which provides free access to the FT for students aged 16-19, their teachers and schools around the world.

Supporting ideas and data for entrants can be found in the FT including its UK politics and policy coverage. Full details and information on submission are available on the competition website.

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