Nokia said it is conducting a four-year project to boost future mobile communications systems and in energy-efficient microelectronics.

Nokia has revealed plans to invest €360m in software, hardware and chip design in multiple sites in Germany.

The company said the money will go towards sites at Ulm and Nuremberg to develop cutting-edge microelectronics for future communications and to boost Europe’s ICT industry.

Nokia said it is conducting a four-year European IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) project, which is being funded by the company, a German federal ministry and two German states.

The project will focus on the integrated development of software, hardware and high-performance systems-on-chips, based on a digital twin. Nokia said these developments will be used in radio and optical products in future mobile communications systems.

Nokia said another focus area is on energy efficiency, to support European climate targets under the Green Deal. The company hopes that the microelectronics systems from this project can  be used to create more powerful and energy-efficient networks.

“This important funding will support our efforts to advance the telecommunications industry in Germany and in Europe, helping to drive innovation and strengthen competitiveness,” said Nokia’s president of mobile networks Tommi Uitto. “In particular, it will help our research into microelectronics that will power future technologies such as 6G, artificial intelligence and the metaverse as well as develop networks that are more energy-efficient and powerful.

“Germany is an important market for Nokia, and we look forward to working with the government to produce cutting-edge technology that is ‘Made in Germany’.”

Towards the end of 2023, Seven EU member states invested €1.2bn to support the research and development of 19 projects focused on cloud and edge computing technologies. The European Commission said this was the first IPCEI in the EU cloud and edge computing domain.

In the same month, Nokia claimed a project it was involved in managed to create a proof of concept of a quantum-safe network that could protect critical infrastructure from this technology in the future.

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