British Gas has announced they will now allow prepayment customers to benefit from their cost saving scheme.

Over 600,000 smart prepayment customers and 16,000 are so far signed up in a bid to take part in the lastest energy saving scheme happening tonight.

This evening, British Gas has confirmed it will take part in the latest ESO Demand Flexibility Service event.

The event is taking place between 5.30pm and 6.30pm.

Until yesterday, only those with a standard smart electricity meter could participate in the supplier’s Peak Save scheme.

British Gas will be informing its 500,000 customers signed up to the scheme on how they can take part in the event and save by reducing their usage at this time.

British Gas passes on 100 percent of the money it is paid by National Grid for each kWh saved unlike some suppliers – with customers being paid £3 per kWh saved at this event.

With PeakSave scheme, people can save money on their energy by making small changes to when they use electricity.

When the demand for electricity is high, more fossil fuels are burned to make electricity. And when it’s low, more renewable energy sources are available. 

It means households that use less electricity than they normally do during certain allotted hours are paid for the savings.

PeakSave Winter events help to ease the strain on the UK’s energy grid at peak times by shifting usage.

The goal is to use 30 percent less energy than normal during the event, but customers will earn money however much they save.

PeakSave Sundays

British Gas customers signed up to PeakSave not only benefit from the potential savings in the ESO scheme but are also given half price electricity on Sundays.

The PeakSave customer base is growing fast as customers are looking for new ways to save on their energy bills whilst contributing to a greener grid.

Customers will be rewarded with 50 per cent off all electricity between 11am and 4pm every Sunday.

The discount is available to new and existing PeakSave customers, and all savings will appear as a credit on customers’ energy bills.

There is no obligation to shift your normal activities on the scheme, but households can save more by doing more energy-intensive tasks on a Sunday.


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