There’s nothing more special than spending quality time with your grandchildren. So many families live far apart geographically, so when you have time with the grandchildren, try these free activities to create memories while saving your wallet. Your grandkids won’t care that you’re not spending money; they’ll be happy spending time with you.

8 Free and Memorable Activities to Do with Your Grandkids


jumbled puzzle pieces

Puzzles provide hours of entertainment. My mom loves puzzles, and my kids spend a lot of time helping her. They love hunting for the right piece and the satisfaction they get when they complete the puzzle.


grandma baking with three granddaughters

If you’re a grandparent who doesn’t mind a mess, baking is a great activity to do together no matter your grandkids’ ages. Children as young as 18 months like to help with baking, and everybody loves to eat the sweet treats afterward. Plus, you’re teaching your grandkids valuable life skills.


Elderly couple riding bikes with young grandchildren

If you’re able, easy biking can be a physical activity you can do together. When I was a teen, my grandpa would bike with me. He enjoyed the company, and I enjoyed being with him in a different way than we usually spent time together.


A grandma knitting while her teenage daughter looks on

Skills like crocheting, knitting, and cross-stitching are becoming a lost art. If you can teach your grandchildren these hobbies, they will have an interest to share with you and a skill they can use throughout their lifetimes.

Library Events

Libraries have many free activities, especially for children under five. If you live near your grandchildren, you could take them to events once or twice a week. Besides special programming, libraries also have story hours for the toddler and preschool set, which they’d love to attend with you.


Young boy pulling himself out of the swimming pool

Have a neighborhood pool or lake nearby? Why not take the grandkids swimming or to the beach? One of my earliest memories is visiting the Lake Michigan shore with my grandparents. Likewise, my kids remember spending time in the pool with my mom in Arizona.

If you’re a grandparent who is not able to take part in more rigorous physically activities like hiking and biking, swimming is a good way to still do something physically active with the grandkids.

Going to the Park

a toddler and a young girl swinging at a playground

Going to the park is a popular free activity. Kids get to get their energy out, and you can help them climb, push them on the swings, and watch their exploits.

Reading Aloud

Is there anything a toddler loves more than getting cozy on a grandparent’s lap and listening to a good book? My kids loved being read to, which continued until middle school. You’ll create powerful memories by reading together and talking about the stories you read.

Final Thoughts

With so many free activities available, you don’t need much, if any, money to spend time and create memories with your grandkids. The most important thing is to make a presence in their lives.

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