Auralnauts has imagined Zack Snyder’s Star Wars, so you don’t have to. Get ready for a lot of slow-motion action and holy smokes, exposition!

When a colony on the edge of the galaxy finds itself threatened by the armies of the tyrannical Darth Vader, Obi Wan Kenobi, an old man with a mysterious past, seeks out warriors from neighboring planets to take a stand. The farmer, the smuggler, the beastman, the princess, the cyborg, the astromech. Each hailing from different backgrounds, each with something to lose. Together, they are…a new hope.


I really do not enjoy the current crop of “auteurs” and find most, if not all, of their movies very hard to watch. I could not understand why Netflix sunk so much money into Zack Snyder’s Battle Beyond the Stars, but they did. Rebel Moon was not as fun as Battle Beyond the Stars, a legendary space Seven Samurai. Space Cowboy, St. Exemin, and Gelt were far better characters than all the Rebel Moon names I can’t recall, even those I saw RM a few weeks ago. Had Part two not been made at the same time as one, and the likely uncountable director’s cuts, I would be surprised if finicky Netflix stuck with him.

Vader talking and talking was spot on, and hard to tolerate.

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